Fighting Off Illness

Fighting Off Illness

FIGHTING OFF ILLNESS As we are heading into the colder months, it is the time of year we often see an increase in illness as the weather changes. Here are some tips to help your body fight off illness this winter: Hydrate: We have all been told numerous times about...
What Is A Spinal Disc?

What Is A Spinal Disc?

  What is a spinal disc? Spinal discs play an important role in the back; serving as a shock absorber between each vertebrae, supporting the bodies weight, and allowing a wide range of movement. Each disc has a soft, jelly-like centre which is encased in a...


Inside each of your shoulders is a tiny, fluid-filled sac known as a bursa. Bursae help reduce friction between the bones in your joints. If the bursa in your shoulder becomes inflamed, it leads to a condition known as shoulder bursitis. Symptoms: discomfort when...
Let’s Talk Shoulders!

Let’s Talk Shoulders!

We have been seeing a lot of shoulder issues in the clinic recently, so we thought we would give you a little more information about shoulders; how they are made up and how shoulder pain is not always about the shoulder itself! The shoulder joint is formed where the...
A bit about Arthritis

A bit about Arthritis

What is Arthritis? Osteoarthritis, or ‘wear & tear’, is when the rubbery cartilage in our joints becomes damaged and no longer allows for frictionless movement. This is most often caused by excess pressure or stress on the joint over a prolonged period but can...
Have you got a stiff lower back? Here’s 4 reasons why:

Have you got a stiff lower back? Here’s 4 reasons why:

If you are finding your low back is always stiff, in the mornings or after light activity, here are four reasons that might be the real cause. Overly tight muscles in your thighs, hamstrings, and hips. Having tight muscles around your pelvis and upper legs alters the...